How To Solve Severe Neck Pain After Sleeping Incorrectly

How To Solve Severe Neck Pain After Sleeping Incorrectly

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A sore neck is hardly the ideal way to begin the day. It can quickly induce a negative mood and make even simple movements painful, such as moving your head. Most of the time, a sore neck is caused by your sleeping posture, the sort of pillow you use, or other sleep-related difficulties. The majority of these errors are easily rectified if you are know-how. As with many other things, an ounce of prevention may be worth a pound of cure when it comes to neck pain. True, certain causes of neck pain, such as age-related wear and tear, are uncontrollable. On the other hand, there are numerous ways to reduce your risk. One place to begin is by examining your sleeping habits and their potential impact on neck pain.

What causes a stiff neck in the morning?

You may not care about your body position or the type of pillow you use when sleeping. However, your sleeping posture and pillow can contribute to a stiff, aching neck and other sorts of pain.

According to research, sleeping issues may account for up to 5% of new cases of chronic pain. Many of these variables are within your control, which means that by making some adjustments, you may be able to ease your neck discomfort and possibly other types of pain as well.

Your preferred wrong sleeping position:

Each individual has a particular sleeping posture. However, if you wear yours on your stomach, you are doing your neck no favors. When you sleep on your stomach for hours at a time, your neck may be twisted to one side. This might cause strain on your neck muscles, resulting in soreness and stiffness in the morning.

Tummy sleeping can also tax your back, especially if you sleep on an unsupportive mattress. This might cause your stomach to sink into the bed, putting strain and pressure on your spine and back muscles.


Each night, your head and neck spend numerous hours on your pillow, which is why choosing the proper one is critical to maintaining a healthy, pain-free neck. A pillow that does not properly support your head and neck might strain the neck muscles, resulting in neck pain.

At night, feather or memory-foam pillows may allow your head to be "cradled," promoting spinal and neck alignment.

Unexpected movement:

Sudden movements, such as sitting up suddenly or tossing your limbs about in a dream, might cause neck discomfort. You were tossing and turning when sleeping or attempting to sleep can also contribute to neck pain and stress.

Injury sustained previously:

Certain injuries, such as whiplash or sports-related injuries, may not always cause immediate pain. The full physical consequences may not be felt for several days. If you have been harmed in a way that may have resulted in neck pain, you may go to bed feeling fine but wake up the next morning with a very sore, stiff neck.

Additional reasons for neck pain upon awakening include the following:

There are undoubtedly additional factors that could contribute to you waking up with neck pain. In some circumstances, you may also experience neck pain during the day. Neck pain is frequently caused by the following:

  • Bad posture during the day.

  • Working at a computer for an extended period or watching television for an extended period without shifting postures

  • Osteoarthritis is one of the apex joints of the spine

  • Compression of the nerves in your neck caused by a herniated disc or bone spur

Which sleeping posture is best for neck pain?

The neck is most comfortable in two positions: your side or your back. If you sleep on your back, consider a spherical pillow to cushion your head and a flatter pillow to support the natural curvature of your neck. This can be accomplished by tucking a small neck roll into a flatter, softer pillowcase or by utilizing a particular pillow with integrated neck support and an indentation for the head to rest. Additional advice for side and back sleepers includes the following:

  • Consider using a feather pillow, which adapts quickly to the curve of your neck. On the other hand, Feather pillows will disintegrate over time and should be replaced every year or two.

  • Another alternative is a classic shaped pillow made of "memory foam" that adjusts to your head and neck contours. Additionally, some cervical pillows are made of memory foam. Manufacturers of memory-foam pillows assert that their products aid in promoting healthy spinal alignment.

  • Avoid using a pillow that is too high or too rigid since this will keep the neck flexed overnight, resulting in morning pain and stiffness.

  • Keep your spine straight if you sleep on your side by using a higher pillow beneath your neck than your head.

  • When travelling by airline, train, or automobile, or even when simply reclining to watch television, a horseshoe-shaped cushion can help support your neck and prevent your head from falling to one side if you doze. However, if the pillow is very large behind the neck, it will force your head forward.

Home care remedies for neck pain:

If you awaken with a sore neck, various solutions may help alleviate the pain. You probably do not need to consult a doctor, especially if you have no other symptoms and have just had a sore neck for a short period. Consider the following self-care options:

  • For 20 minutes at a time, apply ice or a cold pack to the aching area of your neck. This can aid in the reduction of inflammation in the neck muscles.

  • Assessment of pain and adjustment of activity- After a period spent awake and implementing these stiff neck cures, it is possible to determine whether the pain and stiffness have improved. If neck stiffness continues to impede significant mobility in one or more directions, or if severe or burning pain persists, it is recommended to avoid intense activity for the day and avoid movements that aggravate pain. Walking and moving about are still recommended, as prolonged bed rest may prolong the stiff neck and pain.

  • If you've been in discomfort for a day or more, use a heat pack for 20 minutes at a time to the hurting area. This can assist in calming and relaxing the muscles.

  • Self-massage or gentle stretching- After achieving some early pain alleviation, stretching and massage may further release the muscles and ligaments. Certain stretches cannot be completed completely due to neck pain and stiffness, which is OK. The objective is to enhance flexibility without increasing pain progressively. Similarly, the hand and fingers can massage the uncomfortable area of the neck as long as the massage does not aggravate the discomfort.

  • Engage in some light exercise, such as walking or yoga. This can assist in maintaining blood flow to your neck. Continue to move. Inactivity might cause your muscles to contract.

  • Over-the-counter analgesics- If the pain and stiffness are severe enough that mobility is considerably restricted in one or more directions, over-the-counter medicine may be recommended. Ibuprofen, naproxen, and acetaminophen are just a few examples.

Physiotherapy's role in curing neck pain after sleeping:

Physical therapy is a frequently used treatment option for chronic neck pain. Most physical therapy programs for neck discomfort begin with treatments to alleviate pain and stiffness sufficiently to begin an exercise program of neck strengthening and flexibility. Physical therapy techniques and exercises and the duration of the treatment plan can vary from person to person.

Methods of Physiotherapy Treatment:

Physical therapy is classified into two types: Passive and Active.

Passive physical therapy is when treatments are administered without the patient exerting any effort. Numerous therapeutic options exist, including the use of cold packs, heat therapy, massage therapy, ultrasound, and electrotherapy. The objective of passive physical therapy is to assist in the reduction of pain and edema.

Active physical therapy, in which the patient exercises and stretches their own body. By increasing neck strength and flexibility, these muscles may become less uncomfortable and more capable of maintaining proper posture, alleviating stress on the cervical spine.

Physical Therapy for Neck Pain Has the Following Objectives:

Typically, physical treatment for neck discomfort has the following objectives:

  • Reduce discomfort and stiffness

  • Increase the range of motion of the head and neck

  • Develop dynamic neck and supporting musculature strengthening

  • Develop ways to avert recurrences of pain

When Physical Therapy Is Appropriate Neck physical therapy may be indicated in a variety of situations, including the following:

Recuperating after an injury:

Certain traumas, such as whiplash, can cause damage to the neck's soft tissues and joints, resulting in weeks or even months of pain and stiffness. A physical therapy program can help alleviate pain and restore normal neck function.

Recovery following surgery:

Certain neck procedures can result in considerable discomfort and stiffness in the weeks and months following. For instance, anterior cervical discectomy with fusion (A.C.D.F.) surgery entails the fusion of two or more cervical vertebrae, which can change the movement of the certain neck and upper back muscles. Physical therapy may assist in overcoming stiffness, improving neck function, and reducing or eliminating unpleasant spasms as the muscles are reconditioned.

Chronic discomfort that is not specified:

When neck discomfort persists or recurs, determining the exact source or mechanism of pain can be challenging. Even in the absence of a diagnosis, strengthening the neck muscles may help them support the cervical spine more effectively and become more resistant to pain.

Exercises to relieve severe neck discomfort following sleep:

Experiment with several planes of mobility for your neck:

  • Make a conscious effort to connect your right ear to your right shoulder. Gently apply pressure to the left side of your head. Retrace your steps through the center and repeat on the left side. Perform ten reps on each side.

  • Extend your gaze as far as possible to the ceiling. Retrace your steps back to the middle and look down as far as possible. Perform ten reps up and ten reps down.

  • Shift your gaze to the right. With your left hand, softly press on your chin. Retrace your steps back to the center and repeat on the left side. Perform ten reps on each side.

  • With your nose, make a broad, clockwise circle five times. Make five counterclockwise circles.

  • "Chin-alphabet": Using your chin as a pointer, sketch the alphabet from A to Z in a gentle manner.

When stretching assists keep your neck limber, you must address the two root problems discussed previously if you truly want to alleviate neck pain while sleeping. The first is straightforward: If you are a side sleeper, switch to your back; switch to your back or side if you are a stomach sleeper. Second, and this one may be a little more expensive, Purchase a new pillow that will maintain the alignment of your head and neck with the rest of your spine.

1. Rolling the shoulders:

This is an excellent way to warm up and stretch the neck muscles. Keep your arms at your sides and your head upright. In a circular motion, gently lift and roll your shoulders. Take a moment to relax; repeat 5–10 times.

2. Roll of the head:

Restore your arms to your sides and let your head roll from side to side in a semi-circle. You should feel a stretch in the neck muscles. Take a moment to relax; repeat 5–10 times.

3. Rotating chairs:

Sit cross-legged in a chair. Your right side should rest on the chair's back.

While keeping your legs motionless, swivel your torso to the right, reaching with your hands towards the back of the chair.

Maintain a rotational position for your upper body and use your arms to stretch deeper and deeper as your muscles soften.

Maintain for ten seconds. Rep on each side three times.

4. Angel wall:

Maintain a straight back against a wall. You may need to take a small step back to let your back fully relax against the wall.

Extend your arms out in front of you in a "T" configuration, then bend your elbows to 90 degrees.

Slowly raise and lower your arms in a "snow angel" motion, ensuring that they remain flat on the wall throughout.

Return to the beginning position when your fingertips connect above your head.

Complete three sets of ten repetitions

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